
Posts Tagged ‘tom hanks mallorca’

Cierre de Carreteras por rodaje pelicula Cloud Atlas con Halley Berry y Tom Hanks.

noviembre 3, 2011 Deja un comentario

Segun informan desde la Federacion Hotelera de Mallorca el rodaje de la Pelicula Cloud Atlas , protagonizada entre otros actores por Halley Berry y Tom Hanks sera la causante del cierre de las siguientes carreteras cercanas a Soller .

Carretera Sa Calobra Mallorca

Serra the Tramuntana Road to Sa Calobra.

Consell de Mallorca por el que se nos indica que el próximo día 17 de noviembre de 2011, va a procederse, por parte de las autoridades competentes, a  cierres intermitentes  de la carretera MA-2210 de Puerto Pollensa-Formentor. 

De igual forma, los días 18 y 19 de noviembre de 2011 se producirán cortes intermitentes de tráfico en la carretera MA-2141 de Sa Calobra. 

El motivo por el cual se procede al cierre de las mismas, viene motivado por el rodaje en dichas carreteras de escenas cinematográficas que formaran parte de la película Cloud Atlas, que contará con la participación de actores y actrices internacionalmente conocidos.

Citric Hotels.

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The Boat of new Film Cloud Atlas with Alley Berry and Tom Hanks.

septiembre 11, 2011 Deja un comentario


Cargado originalmente por Toni_Darder

Writtes Hector Rubio on the Mallorca Diario digital news que en el PORT OF SÓLLER Majorca is a hotbed of pirates, slaves, gossip, celebrities, and closed access. «Do not let us pass,» he shouted angrily without much a middle-aged French tourists to their friends. «We are not security guards,» replied a young man sitting in one of the entries in the spring of seamanship: «Only informed and tell them they can not access.» Meanwhile, Halle Berry walked the streets of the port with his family. Cloud Atlas, the new film by the Wachowski brothers has already reached the island and the port has become his base of operations.
At the moment, the woman who went crazy Hugh Jackman with his red suit and swing Swordfish has already begun to trickle: yesterday went shopping with her daughter and Olivier Martinez, her current partner. On Friday went to a supermarket and swept two cars filled to the brim with food. «Very quiet, hardly anyone noticed that wine,» says a local employee.
As a normal tourist, but with more shooting guard, he showed himself catwoman by Jaume Torrens, a business trip. Huchita bought a stuffed frog-and for her daughter and, just after midnight, the handsome family stood on the terrace bar is a coffee sang. «One of my clients wanted to take a picture and I have not stopped. First there is the privacy of the child,» said the owner, in an exercise of good journalistic practice and savoir faire.
«With celebrities do not know what to do, compassion for the harassment of galt paparrazzis or give them for what they earn.’s All business and advertising them is to come but be careful what you say. If you are scare you too intrusive and not the interest, «a local businessman and condensed his experience with the Wachowskis and company.
The most pirate-style, but paying rent, raided the pizzeria Matrix brothers Domenico, they took the chairs and organized an internal meeting: «Tomorrow (Saturday) location recce, or what is the same recognition in the area, and when reach the other stars, we start shooting. «

El galeón Earl of Pembroke fondea en el Port de Sóller a la espera de que sea utilizado como escenario en la nueva película de los hermanos Wachowski, Cloud Atlas.