
Posts Tagged ‘hotel mallorca’

the new hotel entrance

simple and nice hotel entrance Soller Mallorca

El Tranvia de Soller y el tio Guillem de Mallorca

febrero 26, 2011 Deja un comentario

Posiblemente nadie se fije en ella pero la casa de azul es de el Tio Guillem que vive en Mallorca. preciosa foto realizada en Soller por Christianpanama.

Tram Soller Mallorca

Lo mas sorprendente de vivir en esta casa es que segun el comenta no le despierta el paso del Tranvia a primeras horas de la mañana , su perro parece tambien haberse habituado a ello.

Yo me lo creo pero si tuviese que elegir un sitio donde dormir lo haria en el Puerto de Soller con vistas al mar y sin otros ruidos que los del mar y la brisa marina el mejor ejemplo el Citric Hotel en el Puerto de Soller.
Tren de Soller
Citric Hotel Soller

The new web Site citric hotel soller Mallorca

noviembre 16, 2010 Deja un comentario

We are cooking The new web site, this one will have more local info and much more media stuff such as vídeos , social media etc of The #majorca island And The hotel.
Shortly will be live and will look like the actual one becouse you like it.

Mallorca 5 reasons 17 euros Hotel in October

There ar many reasons why October is a fantastic time to visit Mallorca and specially staying in a Hotel at Port you will find just five  but there are many others.

  1. Watter temperature over the 20 degrees great time to have a bath at the Mediterranen Sea specilly clean during this month.
  2. Low price just 17 €  x person for a Double Room Citric Hotel Soller with magnificient Sea views.
  3. La Calobra and torrent de Pareis is this is the best time of the year to visit it, with not many tourist around , you will feel like in another planet.
  4. Tranvia – Tram from Port Soller to Soller running frequently at the sea border.
  5. YOU, this is the main reason you to have a break as here in Mallorca still being summer untill end of October and you need a fresh energy  for the coming winter.

We haven’t mention the food , the sun , the people , the lively athmosphere , the train , the shooping area , what else do you need to come now and come the next week.
with our best wishes.